Question. My 8 year-old girl has to go to the bathroom very often and whenever she passes urine she screams in pain. She won't let me even wash her and says that the urine is burning. The area has become red and tender. I went to the doctor and was told that it is a urinary infection after doing a routine urine examination. Please let me know if there is anything in Homoeopathy for this condition as I am not in favor of giving heavy antibiotics to my child and how do we prevent and treat this infection?

Answer. Yes, your child seems to be suffering from a urinary tract infection (UTI) which is one of the most common infections that children suffer from.


Our urine is normally sterile that is free from organisms like bacteria, viruses and fungi. It contains fluids, salts, and waste products. An infection occurs when microorganisms, usually bacteria from the digestive tract infect the opening of the urethra and begin to multiply. Most of the infections arise from one type of bacteria known as Escherichia coli (E. coli), which normally live in the colon. In most cases the infection is limited to the urethra and this is called urethritis. Sometimes the infection can move on to the bladder causing cystitis. If the infection is left untreated then it can reach the kidneys and cause serious complications. The other common organisms causing infection are Chlamydia and Mycoplasma in both men and women but unlike E. coli these are sexually transmitted and are limited to the urethra and reproductive system.


Some children and adults are more prone to UTI than others. Any child with an abnormality of the urinary tract that obstructs the flow of urine will develop an infection repeatedly. Another common source of infection is catheters, or tubes placed in the bladder. Obstructions to the flow of urine like kidney stones or an enlarged prostate will make the person more prone to these infections. Some elderly people who have lost bladder control and require a catheter for life are at a very high risk of developing UTI. Also people who are diabetics are at greater risk of developing a UTI because of changes in the immune system. Any therapy given for an illness, which tends to suppress the immune system are at risk of getting a UTI.


Urinary tract infections are rarely seen in boys and young men. However in women the rate gradually increases with age. Doctors are still not sure why this is so but there are a few theories. One factor may be that the female urethra is short, which allows the bacteria quick access to the bladder. Also, a female's urethral opening is near sources of bacteria from the anus and vagina. For many women sexual intercourse seems to trigger an infection. Also women who use diaphragm or other forms of intra-uterine contraceptive devices are more likely to develop UTI. Many women suffer from repeated attacks of UTI.


Not everyone who has a UTI will suffer from symptoms and signs but most people get at least some. These are:

1. frequent urging to urinate

2. painful urination

3. burning feeling in the area of the bladder or urethra during urination

4. sometimes there is a feeling of fatigue, over-tired, shaky

5. there may be burning even when not urinating

6. sometimes women feel uncomfortable pressure above the pubic bone

7. men may experience a fullness in the rectum

8. the urine may look milky or cloudy, even reddish if there is blood present

9. Fever, pain in the back or side below the ribs, nausea and vomiting indicate that the infection has reached the kidneys.

10. A child may seem irritable, not eat well and have a fever which is unexplained.

The diagnosis of UTI can be confirmed by doing a urine routine examination most of the time. Sometimes a urine culture may be needed to isolate the offending organism. If an obstruction is suspected then an X-ray may be taken. Ultrasound is another effective test to determine the cause. Rarely an intravenous pyelogram is done


If the child has some malformations or abnormalities in the urinary tract then surgical intervention may be needed to correct it. If there is some obstruction to the flow of urine it needs to be corrected like an enlarged prostate. Prevention Here are some pointers on how to avoid getting repeated attacks of UTI especially in females:

1. Drink plenty of WATER everyday. Vitamin C is an important supplement, which inhibits the growth of bacteria by acidifying the urine.

2. Urinate when you feel the urge, do not resist the urge and hold the urine in the bladder.

3. When using toilet paper wipe yourself from front to back to prevent bacteria around the anus from entering the vagina or urethra.

4. Take showers instead of tub baths.

5. Cleanse the genital area before sexual intercourse.

6. Empty the bladder before and after sexual intercourse.


In Homoeopathy we have excellent remedies for UTI. The best remedy is the constitutional one especially if the infection is chronic. The medicine should be prescribed by your Physician after he/she has taken down all the symptoms. There are some remedies though which are very effective for UTI. Here are a few.


Cantharis or Spanish Fly is an excellent remedy for UTI. Here there is an intolerable, constant urge to pass urine all the time. Along with the urge there is also a lot of pain. While passing urine the patient says that it "scalds" him and there is a lot of burning in that area. He has to sit for a long time because the urine passes drop by drop. The urine does not look clear and normal. There may be gravel in the urine especially in children. There is fear of drinking anything because the person suffers from constant pain before, during, and even after passing the urine and there is no relief except by rubbing or lying quietly on the back. There may fever along with the urinary troubles.

Cantharis 30, 5 pills four times a day will give great relief from the pain and clear the urine.


This is a wonderful remedy for kidney stones and the all the problems they cause. Here the patient says that he has a strange "bubbling" sensation in the kidney region which is also very sore. He cannot bear to walk or even stand when there is an attack of pain. There is a lot of "burning" pains, during and after urination. The person always feels that some urine is still there in the bladder after urinating but nothing comes out. That is why he feels like going to urinate frequently. The urine looks abnormal and maybe yellowish, red, turbid, looks slimy or sandy. If there is a stone then there will be violent cutting pains which travel from the kidney to the bladder. It is usually the left kidney that is affected.

Berberis 200, 5 pills four times a day will give great relief from the terrible pain.

TEREBINTHINA Terebinthina is a wonderful remedy when there is blood present in the urine. This makes the urine look smoky, with sediments which look like coffee grounds and there is a peculiar strong odor coming from it. There is a terrible pain while passing the urine which is very scanty in quantity. The person is most distressed while passing urine because of the burning pain.

Terebinthina 30, 5 pills four times a day will take care of the bleeding and pain.


When there is a history of repeated urinary tract infections in a person then Silicea is one of the most important remedies to stop this process. Very effective in children who suffer from bedwetting because of worms. There is usually pus present in the urine which looks bloody and has some sediment present. The patient may complain of a discharge from the urethra which smells foul and has a curdy, thick appearance. A silicea patient is very chilly and cannot tolerate cold, drafts and uncovering. They prefer warmth and want to be wrapped up and are better after urinating.

Silicea 30, 5 pills four times a day will take care of the infection and discharge.