Psoriasis is a chronic (long-lasting) skin disease characterized by scaling and inflammation of the skin. This occurs when the cells in the outer layer of skin regenerate faster than normal and pile up on the skin's surface.

This disorder can be found in all age groups and equally in both sexes. However a lot of people notice this first between the ages of 15 to 35.


Till very recently nobody really knew what triggered this skin disorder and there were different views on this issue. But now research indicates that Psoriasis may most likely be a disorder of the immune system. What we do know for sure is that Psoriasis is the growth of too many skin cells. A normal skin cell matures in 28 to 30 days but a psoriatic skin cell takes only 3 to 6 days.

Some researchers say that Psoriasis is an inherited disorder. There is usually a family history of some sort of skin affection even in far off relatives.


The most common and characteristic features of this disorder are as follows:-

Usually patches of skin thicken, redden and become covered with silvery scales. These patches are referred to as plaques.

The patient mostly complaints of a great desire to itch and then the area tends to burn.

The skin at the joints may be cracked.

Psoriasis most often occurs on the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back, face, palms and the soles of the feet.

It may also affect the fingernails, toenails, and the soft tissues of the genitals and mouth.

Some people may even suffer from inflammation of the joints and have symptoms of arthritis. This is known as Psoriatic Arthritis.

Psoriasis is diagnosed clinically after the skin has been carefully observed. Sometimes it may be very difficult to differentiate it from other skin disorders. Here a diagnosis can be made by examining a small skin sample under the microscope.

There are several forms of Psoriasis. The most common one is Plaque Psoriasis where the lesions have a reddened base covered by silvery scales. The redness is due to increased blood supply.


No, this is not a contagious skin disorder. It is not something you can "catch" or "pass on". Please remove this misconception that psoriasis can be acquired by touching a person suffering from it.


There is no cure for Psoriasis as yet, but Homoeopathy helps the body's own immune system to put an end to this cycle of rapid regeneration and scaling. This is as close to permanent cure as you can get. There are many other different kinds of therapies which have proven to be effective for only a brief period but the disorder always recurs with a vengence.

 The treatment most often given for Psoriasis are as follows:-

TOPICAL TREATMENTS - this category consists of treatment applied directly to the skin. This includes sunlight, steroid ointments, medicines made from vitamin D3, coal tar, or anthralin. All these are effective for a short time but come with long term side effects and are not recommended.

PHOTOTHERAPY - UV light from the sun stimulates production of vitamin D by the skin, which is said to slow the overproduction of skin cells that causes scaling. Based on this theory artificial sources of UV light are used for the treatment. This is known as UVB Phototherapy.

There is also a treatment known as PUVA which combines oral or topical administration of a medicine known as Psoralen with exposure to ultraviolet A light. This treatment has many side effects like nausea, headache, fatigue, burning, itching, irregular skin pigmentation.


The most promising areas of research are in the field of genetics. Researchers continue to search for genes that contribute to the inheritance and causes of Psoriasis. They are also working to improve our understanding of what happens in the body to trigger this disease. Till then Homoeopathy seems to be the best and only solution to this problem.


People who are suffering from Psoriasis should be very careful about their diet. They should stay away from food stuff which tends to dehydrate and dry the skin. Here is a list of some of the offending agents which should be avoided.

ALCOHOL - this tends to dry the skin immensely and the disorder gets markedly
worse. All types of alcoholic beverages are harmful for a Psoriasis patient.
SALT - sodium chloride is another substance which has a very dehydrating effect on the skin. Foods which contain a high salt content like papad, pickles, pani-puri, farsan, packet foods should be avoided.

MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS - it has been observed that dairy products tend to aggravate the skin in this disorder. It is safer to stay away from cheese, paneer, curds, milk as far as possible. A few teaspoons in tea or coffee is generally accepted.

NUTS - some people have been found to be highly allergic to nuts especially peanuts, channa and channa flour (atta), almonds, pista, cashew. Therefore if you are suffering from Psoriasis and are even mildly allergic to nuts then it is best to stay away from them. Otherwise it may trigger off a severe reaction.

SOAP - this is another agent which has a very drying effect on the skin due to all the chemicals present. The best soap to use is one which is non-perfumed, glycerine based, which has the least possible chemicals. In the Indian market I have found Pears and Cinthol (old one) to be mild and non-drying. Yet it is best to use as little soap as possible on the body.

SHAMPOO - again you must use a shampoo with less chemicals and is more natural. The scalp is one of the most common sites for Psoriasis and usually the first place the lesions appear. The person feels that it is only dandruff but huge snowflakes keep falling onto the face and clothing.

WATER - this is one of the most important essential part of the diet. Lots of water and fluids should be consumed in order to keep the skin cells well hydrated. Try to consume one glass every hour.


Homoeopathic treatment can de divided into two distinct types. Both of these are extremely important and they work in synchronicity with each other. They are as follows:-


To treat psoriasis is to treat the whole human body and not just the skin condition with its symptoms. For example if the person has some other disorders then even those should be taken into account before prescribing a remedy. The other important details include his past illnesses, habits, personal likes and dislikes, food allergies or any kind of allergies, mental state is very important too. Family history should be taken in detail, it should include history from both sides of the family, maternal and paternal.

Another important criteria is occupation since this can aggravate the skin condition especially if the person works with chemicals, soap industry, regular workshops, automobile workshop, animal leather, slaughter houses etc.

The constitutional remedies that have proven to be very effective are SULPHUR, THUJA, NATRUM MUR, BACILLINUM, LYCOPODIUM, PSORINUM, GRAPHITES, RADIUM BROM etc..But these cannot be given on a daily basis. They have to be given in a controlled periodical dosage to give long term relief.

What happens on the days when the constitutional remedies are not given?

Since you cannot allow the patient to suffer on the other days we have some very effective medicines to give symptomatic relief which keeps the disease in control.


These medicines help to keep the symptoms of the disorder under control. Like for example the intense itching and burning that the patient suffers from. These can be taken on a daily basis and they work insync with the constitutional remedy.



In this remedy there is itching with severe burning. Though there is burning yet the person is relieved by hot fomentation. The body feels cold all the time and this is accompanied by constant thirst for water. Skin is very dry, rough and scaly with small black patches.

Itching is worse at midnight after 2 am. There is great anguish and restlessness with tremendous fear of skin disease.


This medicine is very useful for Psoriasis around the scrotum and genitals. Worse by excessive perspiration. There are tiny eruptions with scales and severe itching and burning pain.

At times after scratching blisters form which makes the burning pain unbearable. Here cold water gives good relief.


At times by scratching the psoriatic skin breaks open causing secondary infection. Normally this bacterial in nature thus causing boils or inflammation. Due to psoriasis the skin is very sensitive and weak with tiny cracks exposing the inner layers of the skin which gets infected by organisms in the atmosphere, clothes, water etc.


A 40 year old woman who was suffering from Psoriasis since the last ten years around the elbow, knees, feet, back suddenly developed very painful red boils all around her feet. This made her walking very painful and difficult thus disrupting her daily schedule. Only putting her feet in hot water gave her temporary relief. Due to the pus in the boils there was constant feverish feeling along with the chill. Because of the pain and suffering she had become extremely irritable, dejected and sad. She use to cry a lot and react violent to things.

Hepar Sulph was her remedy that cleared her skin of boils along with the psoriatic patches.