This is
a common complaint of many mothers that their child "just refuses
to eat" !! Sometimes this is the main complaint while sometimes
it accompanies other complaints. Mother complaint that it makes
them so nervous to give their children anything to eat as they
know it will be refused.
a child is a natural and overpowering maternal urge that should
not be over done. But what to do when you have a child who refuses
to eat ?
"Keep meal
times pleasant. Remember that your child needs a balanced diet" -
and this runs through your mind as you juggle with proteins and
calories and fats. What shall I give my child to eat today ? You
cook all the right food and lay it out attractively and watch in
growing dismay as the apply of your eye picks at a little here
and pushes his plate away.
You plead,
bully, coax. Tell stories and distract them, while you spoon the
food into their unsuspecting mouth. But this doesn’t work.
Not for long that is. You are tense and desperate and no one knows
it better than your child. They may use this information to balk
at food in order to demonstrate their power and assertiveness,
or they many associate unhappiness and tension with meal times.
I advise
mothers to place the food before their child and remove it if they
don’t eat. This may result in the child being ready and hungry
for next meal. But this simple method doesn’t always work.
children do not starve themselves. Some investigations have shown
that even every small children who are allowed to choose their
own food select a reasonably well balanced diet.
You child
grows and changes. At one time they may eat well at another time,
they won’t. Most children eat less in hot weather, during
teething periods and during the second year of life. During the
second year there may be great variability in eating habits.
Loss of
appetite can also occur due to medications. Especially when a number
of different medications are taken simultaneously. This adverse
effect on appetite is a strong reason for being careful before
giving strong medicines.
also loose their appetite when ill, like when they suffer from
fever, food poisoning, severe cold, cough or even when they are
simply under the weather. Even if your child is under some pressure
like problems at school or with classmates, peer-pressure, something
that emotionally upsets them, they can manifest it by loosing their
At meal
times a pleasant atmosphere is very necessary. If your child is
too tired, excited or too hungry to cope with a meal, he should
not be forced to eat at that particular moment. Between meal, snacks
should be discouraged because they cut down on meal time appetite.
At times
infants refuse to take milk or eat because they may be teething
or having some gaseous discomfort in the abdomen. This problem
can be very well corrected by a homoeopath who treats each child
according to his constitution, symptoms, nature and need.
: Dr.Margret Tyler says - The other name for chamomilla is "can
not bear it" or Dr.Clarke says it is "turmoil in temper". This
is indicated for a child who most of the time refuses to eat because
of his bad temper. The moment food is given to him he stretches
his hands, takes it and throws it away. All his tautness; crying
and yelling spells are exaggerated during teething time. Teething
pain aggravate the situation so badly that at times he is without
food and milk for quite some time, causing a lot of anxiety to
his parents.
200, 3 pills six times a day will definitely help a lot to decrease
his teething pain, irritability, and increase his appetite. Once
he improves, Chammomilla 30, three pills thrice a day should be
given for the period of dentition and if need be thereafter too.
MUR : Thin, emaciated (on the upper part of the body) three
year old child was brought to me with a complain from the mother
that she doesn’t eat anything. The only thing she like eating
is raw salt ! She doesn’t mix well with other kids, she
has a bad temper and if at all she eats, she eats in most secluded
6, five pills thrice a day was given. After a month’s treatment
the child became more sociable, and started eating well. Her emaciated
neck and chest started filling up - her extraordinary craving for
salt also decreased. Nat. Mur. in six potency acts as a tonic and
supplies minerals.
CYNAPUM : These children basically dislike milk and are unable
to digest milk. Now imagine this picture, your child hates milk
but you are unaware of this and you force feed your child milk
and food but your child cannot digest milk and develops nausea
and hence looses his appetite. If further forced, as anxious mothers
do, your child may vomit, complains of painful abdominal cramps
and the appetite further reduces till the child just refuses to
eat. This also makes the child very restless, anxious because
of all the nausea and stomach pain.
This is
a typical Aethusa child and this remedy helps when given in 200
potency, 5 pills 4 times daily and do not force your child as this
will further reduce appetite.
: Generally these children are thin and emaciated with a poor
digestion. They have a good appetite before a meal but once they
start eating, even a few bites of food make them full and they
get bloating of the abdomen, belching due to poor digestion and
soon loose their appetite.
200, 5 pills 4 times daily till appetite increases.
PHOSPHORICA : This homoeopathic medicine
is useful as a general tonic for weak children with poor appetite
during their developing years. These children are generally weak
with weak bones, difficult dentition and gaseous problems. While
eating they suffer from a lot of gas formation with abdominal
cramps which further reduces their appetite. Calcarea Phosphorica
is a biochemic and homoeopathic combination of Calcium and Phosphorus
which helps in development of bones and general health.
Calc. Phos.
30, 5 pills 3 times daily till required improvement takes place.
are adviced that the medical advice offered in this column pertains
to generalised treatment of the condition. Kindly consult your
doctor before self-medication.