What is diarrhoea?
Diarrhoea is the
frequent and repeated passage of stool or liquid bowel movements,
excessive watery evacuation of fecal material.
What are the
causes of diarrhoea?
There are many causes
which can be divided into two major categories:
and Non-infectious.
Infectious causes
of diarrhoea are a result of abnormal micro-organism invading the
bowel. Non-infectious causes of diarrhoea result from disturbance
of the normal function of the bowel in absorbing fluids contained
within it.
Infectious causes
can be further sub-divided as follows :-
i) Bacteria - For
e.g. clostridium difficile, E-coli, salmonella (agents of typhoid
fever) shigella (cause of epidemic bacillary dysentry) campylobacter
(another food-handler is contaminant). Gastro- enteritis and enteric
fever from contaminated food products. Vibrio Cholerae (agent
of cholera).
ii.) Viruses -
There are many kinds of viruses that are capable of causing diarrhoea
in infants. During the first five years of life mostly all children
acquire ROTAVIRUS (which causes inflammation of the stomach and
bowels to cause diarrhoea )
iii) Parasites
- A number of parasites are also known to cause diarrhoea in children
and adults like –
- Cryptosporidium
(especially in immuno deficient children )
- Entamoeba histolytica (causing amoebic dysentry)
- Giardia Lamblia.
Non-infectious causes
of diarrhoea can be further dividend as follow :-
defects of the bowel (intestinal tract)
Hormonal imbalances
Feeding difficulties
Food poisoning
Anatomic defects
capable of causing diarrhoea include :-
of the bowel (when twisted)
of a section of the intestine.
disease is an abnormal condition present at birth which
is due to the absence of normal nerves (ganglia) in the
bowel wale. This results in enlargement of the bowel above
the point of missing nerves.
At times, new
born babies and infants suffer from physiological diarrhoea
due to the gastrocolic reflux which is normal. Such conditions
include passage of frequent formed stool or stools immediately
after feeds. An exclusively breast fed baby often passes
frequent watery stools which are golden yellow in colour
and non-offensive and inspite of several stools he is happy,
hungry and gains good weight. But if there is mucous or
the stools are offensive and the baby is not looking well
then medical intervention is required .
This is very well suited to infants with a bilious tendency. It
is indicated when stools are watery, yellowish green, profuse and
with a jelly like substance in it. At times there is bilious vomiting
along with diarrhoea accompanied by a lot of rumbling and shifting
pain in the stomach because of flatus, which makes the abdomen
full like a balloon. (It is especially useful in teething diarrhoea
of children).
Podophyllum 200,
3 pills one hourly should be given for acute attacks till it settles
the stomach. Then follow with Podophyllum 30, 5 pills four times
a day for a month to improve the infants digestion.
This is indicated when diarrhoea is due to eating fruits, vegetables,
cold food and drinks in the rainy season. Normally the child suffers
from morning diarrhoea, that settles down by noon. The urge to
pass a stool drives the child out of bed – initially there
is a rumbling and gurgling in the bowels with sudden noisy spluttering
greenish stools.
Nat. Sulph 200,
3 pills every 2 hours should be given. Once the attack settles
down then Nat Sulph 30, 5 pills four times a day for a month is
necessary to improve and help digestion.
Here the diarrhoea is accompanied by severe vomiting which is due
to food poisoning. There is great restlessness, with intense thirst
for water. But after drinking water it is again vomited out. Stool
are blackish watery, very offensive and worse at night time.
Arsenic Alb 200,
5 pills two hourly will bring the attack under control.
The greatest threat
to the life of a child with severe diarrhoea comes from dehydration.
The loose watery stools drain out water plus valuable chemicals
and minerals from the body. Such substances as sodium, chloride
and potassium are essential for the regulation of the body’s
fluid and acid base balances. If diarrhoea continues unchecked
severe illness or even death will result from ensuing dehydration
and the acidosis that accompanies it.
Decrease in the
amount of urine. The urine looks dark yellow or light brown.
Loss of usual
elastic quality of the skin.
Sunken eyeballs.
Rapid breathing
Drowsiness or
even unconsciousness.
To prevent dehydration
continuously give sips of boiled water with a pinch of salt, sugar
and lime. 90% of dehydration is prevented by salt, sugar, lime
and water.
Please boil and
filter your water, 90% of the problems arise from contaminated
If you keep the
above mentioned homoeopathic medicines at home as a first aid they
will help in 70% of the cases. Medicines should be selected according
to the symptoms described, matched with the patient’s symptoms.
Readers are advised
that the medical advice offered in this column pertains to the
generalized treatment of condition. Kindly consult your doctor
before self-medication.