it has been found that a large number of children are suffering
from "CHICKEN POX". This has prompted me to write about this particular
infection and explain to the public what this disease really is.
My purpose is also to make people aware that Homoeopathy has some
wonderful remedies for this infection and the damage it can cause
later in your child's life.
pox or varicella is a common, acute, and highly contagious infection
caused by the Herpes Varicella Zoster Virus. It can occur at any
age but is most common in the 2 to 8 age group. This infection
is transmitted by direct contact. Someone can give you this infection
by sneezing or coughing near you. It can also be caught from an
infected person's clothing or from touching their blisters. You
will only know your child has chicken pox 7- 21 days after they
catch it. Chicken pox is probably communicable from one day before
lesions erupt to six days after vesicle formation.
Chicken pox
occurs worldwide and is endemic in large cities. Outbreaks occur
sporadically, usually in areas with large groups of susceptible
children. It affects all races and sexes equally.
A rash is
usually the first sign that something is wrong. But some children
feel tired, or get fever or stomachache one to two days before
the rash starts. The rash starts out flat and red. It usually starts
on the head, face, and back. But the rash can spread anywhere.
Some children get sores in their mouth, on their eyelids or around
the groin region.
Soon the red spots
turn into clear blisters that itch a lot. When your child scratches,
the blisters break and make hard crusts or scabs. New vesicles
continue to form for another 5-6 days, so the rash contains combination
of blisters and scabs. At times there is severe itching which causes
scratching and this leads to secondary infection and scarring.
Rare complications include Pneumonia, Encephalitis, Myocarditis,
Nephritis and Hepatitis. Children can give this infection to someone
else before the rash develops and until all the blisters are crusted
Most children
get over chicken pox without any problems. Usually the biggest
problem is infected blisters. Chicken pox calls for strict isolation
until all the vesicles and most of the scabs disappear (usually
for one week after the onset of the rash). Children can go back
to school if just a few scabs remain since at this stage the infection
is no longer contagious. If your child gets chicken pox once they
will probably be immune to it. If they do get it again, it won't
be as bad the second time.
There are
a few excellent homoeopathic remedies which provide great relief
to the patient and avoid the occurrence of secondary infection.
It stimulates the child's own immunity to get over the infection
faster without any complications.
If the child complaints
of pain in the legs, especially in the calf muscles, and in the
joints one or two days before the onset of eruptions then this
remedy is indicated.
There is severe
itching and burning and the child feels better on covering his
body. Within 2-3 days red, small, water like blisters erupt on
the surface of the skin. These eruptions burn and itch a lot and
may even cover the whole body or part of it.
Watery discharge
oozes out from the vesicles. Here the child is very restless and
wants to keep moving (due to the leg pain).
These vesicles form
scales and start drying up 8 - 10 days after they surface.
Rhustox 30 , 5 pills
four to six times a day will reduce the number of eruptions, decrease
the intensity of the burning and itching and will help in healing.
Rhustox 30, 5 pills should be continued for 2 - 3 weeks after the
onset of chicken pox.
When the eruptions
resemble tiny, water filled plastic bags then Apis is the correct
Around the eruptions
the skin looks reddish and puffed up.
The child complaints
of stinging burning pain by saying that it feels like some insect
is biting him.
Eyes look swollen
with red eyelids and puffy face.
Apis 30, 5 pills
four to six times a day will give great relief till the time the
scabs fall off.
In this drug the
symptoms usually start with severe bodyache, malaise, headache
and fever before the eruptions come up.
The headache is
associated with nausea, giddiness and severe mental irritability.
The child wants his head to be pressed continuously.
The mouth feels
very dry with parched or cracked lips. Hence there is constant
thirst for water along with a dry hacking cough.
The child is absolutely
listless and just wants to lie down.
Bryonia 200, 5 pills
four to six times a day should be given till the scabs fall off.
This is considered
as the homoeopathic vaccine for chicken pox.
If there are any
cases of chicken pox in the neighbourhood or at home, please give
your child Variolinum 200, 5 pills (2 doses) and repeat every week
for 4 weeks (same dosage). Even adults can take this preventive
This will help you
prevent the disease or even if your child gets it the intensity
of the infection will be mild.
1. Take special care
to keep your child with chicken pox away from adults, older people,
and pregnant women who have never had this infection. Also keep
your child away from people who are sick or taking medicines that
make it harder for their bodies to fight off illnesses.
2. Please watch
your child carefully for any signs of fever, restlessness and any
other complaints.
3. Keep the area
or room where the child is well ventilated and clean.
4. If your child
has a very bad headache, stiff neck and high fever, convulsions,
acts strange or throws up over and over you need to get immediate
medical help from a doctor.
There is a special
application made out of homoeopathic mother tinctures which will
prevent the marks from remaining.
Apply 5 % Thuja
and 5 % Calendula ( 5 drops of Thuja and 5 drops of Calendula mother
tincture should be combined with 90 drops of distilled water).
Use a sterile gauze
and apply it on vesicles, they will heal fast without leaving marks.
The tips below will
help you comfort your child. They will help with the itching so
your child won't scratch so much. (Scratching the scabs can start
another infection or leaves scars.)
- Keep your child busy. He or
she can't scratch if his or her hands are busy and this will
divert their mind so that they won't think about the itching.
- Give your child a room temperature
water bath without soap every 3 or 4 hours. Do this for the
first 2 days. Keep your child in the bath for 15 - 20 minutes.
Add 1/2 cup of baking soda or oatmeal bath to the water. Pat
your child dry. Don't rub
Put a cool,
wet washcloth on the itchy places.
You can put
calamine lotion on the itchy places but don't use any other
preparations like Caladryl lotion.
Keep your child's
fingernails short so it is harder to scratch.
If your child
is a baby, cover the baby's hands with cotton socks to prevent
Wash your child's
hands atleast 3 times a day.
Keep your child
out of the sun. The sun makes the rash worse.
Give your child
soft foods and plenty of fluids like soups and water. Avoid
spicy food, salty foods and fruits like orange and grapefruit.
Have your child
gargle with salt water if his or her mouth itches. (put 1/2
teaspoon of salt in one cup of water.)