Warts are a very common problem in our population.
This is seen very often in children. Every other day I get a case
in my clinic where the mother has brought her child for this problem.
Warts are non-cancerous growths seen in the top
layer of the skin. They are different kinds of warts - common warts,
foot warts, flat warts and genital warts. These are the different
manifestations of the same infection. They are normally skin coloured
and rough to touch but can also be smooth, flat, dark in colour
etc… Warts develop in areas where the skin has been broken
or damaged.
Warts are often seen around the nails, fingers,
hands, arms, feet. Sometimes they are also seen on the sole of the
foot. These warts are known as Plantar warts. Occasionally these
growths are also seen in the genital, rectal area and even inside
the mouth.
Warts are caused by a family of viruses known
as Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). There are atleast 60 different types
of these viruses. Different types of HPV can cause warts in various
parts of the body, some may have more affinity for the hands while
others may produce warts in the genital area. People who have a
habit of biting their nails or the skin are more prone to developing
this infection in that area.
Warts are passed on by direct or by indirect spread.
This infection is contagious and you can get warts by touching someone
else's. You can also get infected by using the same towel or clothes
which has been used by the infected person.
(Genital warts are transferred from one partner to the other during
sexual intercourse).
Once contact has taken place and the person has become infected
it can take months before these growths surface.
Many people ask me this question that why do some people get this
infection while others don't. Firstly you have to be in contact
with someone who has this infection to acquire it. Also some people
seem to be naturally resistant to this virus while others are prone
to getting infected by it. People whose immune system is weak are
at more risk than others.
Warts develop in areas where the skin has been
broken or damaged and this frequently happens in children. They
also have the habit of biting their nails or the skin around which
makes them more prone to get this infection. And since children
touch and play with each other the infection can easily get transferred
from one child to the other.
They also tend to share their towels, clothes and toys.
The child's immunity is lower than in adults and this makes them
more susceptible to acquire these kind of infections. However peculiarly
these warts are commonly seen in children between the age of 4 to
18 years.
Normally a wart appears as a tiny skin coloured
bump, which is rough to feel but there are many variations. They
can be white, pink or dark in colour. If you look carefully you
might see a tiny black speck which looks like hair.
There might be just one wart in the area or a group of these growths
The warts found on the palms and soles of the feet are normally
flat. The warts found on the feet are known as Plantar warts. These
can cause discomfort especially while walking. The patient describes
the symptoms saying that he feels as if there is a small rock in
the shoe.
Warts are usually painless however they can become painful if that
area gets irritated.
They can even itch and bleed if the wart gets a secondary infection.
Then they become red, hot and feel sore.
There are several methods of treatment available
in the market. The variety is so much that people get confused about
which one to select. However all these methods are temporary and
invariably warts will recur.
In homoeopathy we not only treat the warts but also take into consideration
all the other symptoms and constitution of the individual. Also
improving the immunity of the child is important in order to prevent
these infections from recurring.
This is one of the most popular homoeopathic remedy
for warts. Even the lay public know about it and therefore sometimes
it is misused. Thuja should only be given where the symptoms are
Here the warts appear large, seedy and as if there is a peduncle.
They may itch especially where the skin is covered. This child will
feel better by warmth and covering himself up properly and will
feel worse by cold water.
These children also have a tendency to develop polyps and ulcers.
Thuja Occidentalis 200, 5 pills in repeated doses
should be given till all the warts have fallen off and no new ones
When the warts bleed on touch and washing this
remedy should be thought. They are large and have a jagged appearance.
These warts are seen on the back of the hands and other parts of
the body.
The Nitric acid patient is worse by touch or cold air. Night time
is especially troublesome. They feel better by applying something
The Nitric acid patient is prone to developing ulcers, which are
sensitive and bleed easily. They get splinter like pains especially
under their fingers and nails. This remedy also works wonders in
case of ingrowing toenails.
Nitric Acid 1M, 5 pills should be given in these
cases till not a single new wart appears.
The appearance of the warts are similar to that
of Nitric Acid but the symptoms are different. The warts are large,
jagged and seedy. They bleed easily and are very sensitive to touch.
These warts are found more on the tips of the fingers and nose.
This is seen more around the fingernails. Children who bite their
nails are more prone to develop these warts. These warts are painful
and the symptoms are worse at night.
Causticum patients feel worse in dry cold weather and drafts of
air. They are ameliorated by warmth and damp wet weather.
Give the child Causticum 200, in repeated doses
when the symptoms are present to cure.
There are a number of other very useful remedies
in our Homoeopathic materia medica which have proven effective in
the treatment of warts. Therefore it is not advisable to self medicate
your child.